
Day of the Dead Celebration

by Francisco G. Gómez The Day of the Dead goes by many names, Día de los muertos, Day of the Ancestors, Day of the Egún, All souls Day and many […]

Numen – The Healing Power of Plants

by Francisco G.Gómez Syllabification: (nu·men) Pronunciation: /ˈn(y)o͞omən/ noun (plural numina /-mənə/) the spirit or divine power presiding over a thing or place. Origin: early 17th century: from Latin Above is […]

Mata Siguaraya

En mi cuba nace una mata, que sin permiso no se puede tumba eh. No se puede tumba eh, porque son Orisa. Esa mata nace en el monte, esa mata tiene poder. Esa mata es Siguaraya!

The Medicinal and Spiritual Properties of Passion Fruit

Passiflora edulis L.

In the on going age of the quick fix pill and the forgotten spiritual aspects of life, it is a relief to know that Passion is much more than a fruit that heals the body, but rather a fruit that is healing for the spirit and soul as well…

The Eco-Logic of First Peoples

by Francisco G. Gómez A few days ago I attended a screening of “The Economics of Happiness” at the behest of a friend. The film, in a nut shell, addresses […]

Messages from the Storm Front

There was no power, hot water or communication other than our cell phones, praise the powers that be for that. The night seemed to last forever, with the torrents of […]