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Numen – The Healing Power of Plants

1391742_10151876251558119_560454293_nby Francisco G.Gómez

Syllabification: (nu·men)
Pronunciation: /ˈn(y)o͞omən/
noun (plural numina /-mənə/) the spirit or divine power presiding over a thing or place.
Origin: early 17th century: from Latin

Above is one of several definitions of numen. Sociologists use the word to refer to the power contained in an object. The Romans used the word to describe how their deities nodded to make their presence known.

After screening the film “Numen – The Healing Power of Plants” the definition above seemed the most appropriate for this wonderful production by Ann Armbrecht and Terrence Youk.  http://www.numenfilm.com/index.phpThe interviews of such a diverse array of healers, who look at healing and plants from a holistic traditional perspective, is moving. From medical herbalists to ethnobotanists, MDs, NDs, herbalists, biologists, physicists and many more, it appears that these individuals feel the unseen manifestations that science chooses not to acknowledge; what science calls magic and fetish because they can’t understand or quantify it. As the death knell rings evermore so often, and disease is on the rise, it is treated by synthetically mass produced chemistry. The corporate pill pushers and the mental shamanism they call psychiatry have been distorting well being for far too long. Chemo, radiation and antidepressants are just a few of the distortions that science would continue to have us believe are the only ways of addressing illness. Numen shows you the alternatives, natural and traditional ways that have been systematically erased to fill big pharma’s pockets and continued greed!

Make it a point to see this film soon; I’m sure you will be as touched by it as I am. You can screen it for free until October 30th, 2013. You can also purchase the DVD on the Numen website…don’t miss this incredible film!

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