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Photo Gallery: Intro to Seed Saving Workshop

On May 21, Raíces Cultural Center’s EcoCulture program held an Introduction to Seed Saving workshop as part of our Sustainable Living Workshop Series. Participants in the workshop learned about the importance of saving seed and building bio-diverse local and regional seed libraries and seed banks. Workshop presenter Rachel Dawn Davis, of Green Dawn Solutions, also went over some of the basics of seed saving with workshop participants, including a hands-on bean seed saving activity, where participants shelled, sorted, and saved four different varieties of bean seeds. Participants were able to choose varieties of seeds to grow, save, and share in their own home gardens. Raíces Cultural Center would like to thank Rachel for sharing her knowledge and experiences on the topic of seed saving.

The Sustainable Living Workshop Series is co-sponsored by Sustainable Highland Park and funded by Highland Park’s Park Partners Grant Program as well as by individual donations. For a full workshop schedule visit the Sustainable Living Workshop Series Info Page.

Want to be a seed saver? Join the Raíces EcoCulture Seed Library and save seeds with us! Learn more and register here and we will be in touch with details on becoming a member and borrowing seed to get started!


May 21, 2017
Eugene Young Environmental Education Center
Highland Park, NJ

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