Sponsorship & Advertising Registration
Support the Cultural Arts in Central NJ
Your support ensures the continuation of diverse and vibrant programming in our community, celebrating cultural arts through performances, exhibitions, and interactive activities, enriching the community and providing a platform for cultural exchange and artistic expression.
Funds raised will help Raíces beautify and improve our program space at the Highland Park Environmental Education Center. The Environmental Center is our home—it’s where we commune and display our commitment to our mission. However, our efforts are only made possible through the generosity and support of individuals and businesses like yours.
Sponsorship Opportunities
- Exclusive sponsor booth/table space at all three events for up to 3 Business Sponsors
- 2 Full Page ads (one page, plus choose between back cover, inside back cover center spread in the festival’s printed program)
- Logo and link on event page
- Event announcements at the beginning, middle and end of all three events
- Sponsorship mentions on social media, event poster, program cover, online calendar listings and other event announcements
- Sponsorship mention with link on Raíces website for 12 months from start of sponsorship
Business Sponsor
– All 3 Events
Business Sponsor
– 1 Event
Advertising Opportunities
- Advertising space in printed and digital programs for all three events in the series
- Logo and link on event page
- Social media tag/mention on 1 event announcement per event (3 platforms)
Event Dates for Fall 2024 Series
- October 5 and 6 – 2-Day Cultural Exchange Arts Residency with Ivelisse “Bombera de Corazón” Díaz
- November 10 – Raíces Open House
- December 8 – Raícitas “Little Roots” Family Arts Day