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Share Your Story – “Testimonials for the Ancestors” Oral History Project

Share Your Story in the Raíces Roots Online Archive

Share Your Story: Testimonial for the Ancestors. Two past participants.Raíces Cultural Center invites you to share your story in our “Testimonials for the Ancestors” oral history project. For many cultures, death has always been felt with such finality. There are those, however, that have maintained a reverence and veneration for those that came before them. Raíces is seeking video testimonials from individuals of diverse cultural backgrounds to speak about the traditions celebrating the ancestors in their culture. These videos will serve the purpose of documenting and preserving a history of cultural traditions devoted to the veneration and celebration of the ancestors and will be shared with the public on the Raíces Roots Online Archive.


We want to hear from you, in your own words:

…how your cultural traditions celebrate and honor the ancestors

…why you believe it is important to practice traditions dedicated to the ancestors and how you participate in these traditions

…how these traditions have evolved and why you feel it is important for you to carry them on


If you are interested in sharing your stories and histories with us, please contact us (contact info below).  If you are not local to one of our interview sites (NJ, NYC), you can submit your own audio or video recording, please contact us for details on submissions.

Testimonials will be catalogued as part of the Testimonials for the Ancestors project in the Raíces Roots Online Archive. If chosen to be featured in the archive, these videos will be available for viewing by the general public. Selected testimonials will be edited and may screened in public screenings. All participants will be asked to sign a release form prior to filming or submitting a testimonial. Participants will be notified if their video will be made public in the archive.

To participate in this project, please call Nicole or Francisco at Raíces Cultural Center 732-236-7618 or 908-227-5671 or e-mail raices@raicesculturalcenter.org

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