Raíces Cultural Center offers instruction in Caribbean cultural performing arts, including both traditional and modern forms dance, drum and song. Participants learn the fundamentals of rhythms, songs and dances from a variety genres from the Caribbean, including the Afro-Cuban Orisha tradition, the Puerto Rican forms of bomba and plena and modern forms like salsa. Throughout the classes, participants also learn about the basic cultural history and meanings behind these traditions.
Classes are taught by core members of the Raíces Cultural & Community Arts team, with occasional guest teachers and scheduled field trips to cultural events in our region. Class participants have the opportunity to share what they learned in periodic student showcase and community events. Learn more about our current class offerings and register below.
If you are looking to schedule private classes and workshops for school groups and organizations please submit a presentation request.
See current class offerings below!
All classes are ongoing and you can register at any time, no prior experience required.