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A Bountiful Summer at the Raíces MicroFarm

This year the Raíces EcoCulture MicroFarm project launched a pilot CSA program. It’s been an intense season, with fingers always crossed that the beneficial insects will outnumber the pests, that enough fruit will ripen for the weekly member harvest, that the greens and cilantro would hold off from bolting for just one more week.

It’s also been a very educational and rewarding season, with a beautiful bounty of diverse produce that we have been able to share with 6 families who have supported the development of the MicroFarm project this year. Every day has brought changes to the MicroFarm plot as we watched our plot of land transform from bare earth to a lush jungle of greens and vines- from new flower blossoms to new fruits, beautiful insects and pollinators and a bounty of overflowing harvest baskets.

We still have a few weeks of summer left, but in the garden it’s beginning to feel like fall, with salad mix, arugula, and all kinds of tender cooking greens coming back into season. Check out our photo collage to see some of the highlights of the 2019 summer.

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