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EcoCulture Garden Update – The Growing Season Has Begun – March 9, 2019

by Nicole Wines

Planting the first seeds of the 2019 season!

It’s official…the growing season has begun! We have put our first seeds in trays – sweet and hot peppers, eggplants, tomatoes and herbs – rigged up a home germination chamber to keep our seeds cozy and warm so they can sprout quickly and strong, and given them lots of love and care for the past week. As of yesterday, our first tomato seedlings have sprouted. The winner for first sprout was a Bumble Bee Cherry Tomato Mix seed that came from a Hudson Valley Seed Library packet, but the winner for most uniform sprouts was Raíces Cultural Center’s own Seed Library’s Heirloom Brandywine seeds. We can almost taste the fresh, summer, Jersey tomatoes!!!

What will you grow this year? Want to support Raíces EcoCulture programs and get some of our delicious heirloom and open pollinated tomato, pepper, eggplant, herb or flower plants? Send an email to raices@raicesculturalcenter.org and we will add you to our announcement list for our 2019 Seedling Sale!


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