
Food, Music and Culture = EcoCulture

by Francisco G. Gómez Recently I was asked why Raíces’ mission had strayed so far away from the Arts. As all things evolve through the processes of experience, connections and […]

Culantro/ Cilantro: No, It’s Not the Same!

Culantro (Eryngium foetidum L.,Apiaceae) is both a cooking and medicinal herb well known in the Caribbean, West Indies and the Far East, not to be confused with cilantro. Some of its common names are spiny coriander, shado beni and bhandhania (Trinidad and Tobago), chadron benee (Dominca), Coulante (Haiti), recao (Puerto Rico) and Fitweed (Guyana).

Numen – The Healing Power of Plants

by Francisco G.Gómez Syllabification: (nu·men) Pronunciation: /ˈn(y)o͞omən/ noun (plural numina /-mənə/) the spirit or divine power presiding over a thing or place. Origin: early 17th century: from Latin Above is […]

Seed, it’s What We Are

by Francisco G. Gómez Do we ever stop to think about what we really are? No, I’m not talking about your identity or your cultural background; or anything else for […]