Raíces at the Eugene Young Environmental Education Center
by Francisco G. Gómez

Raíces Cultural Center has taken on the stewardship of the EC as of July 2023. Raíces seeks to foster a vibrant community of artists and create a center for exploration, collaboration and cultural fusion within the performing, visual and media arts, as well as, their connection with Nature and Planet Earth. We believe that the arts and Nature form an intrinsic bond between Mother Earth and Humans, and that this collaboration expands the creative process innate in the human experience. We encourage all participants to join this endeavor in the hopes of fomenting a new consciousness that will re-heal Mother Earth and thereby help to preserve the global cultural experience.

Below is a brief history of the EC produced by the Highland Park Environmental Commission a while back. Click on the link and see some really great pics of the construction of the building and other information about the surrounding initiatives going on.