Raíces Sustainable Living Workshop Series – Herbal Healing & Pain Relief: Oils & Supplements – November 21, 2017
On November 21, 2017, Raíces Cultural Center herbalist Angela Lugo presented an herbal healing workshop focused on pain relief through oils & supplements. Check out the photo gallery.
Highland Park Borough Hall
Highland Park, NJ
November 21, 2017
Culantro/ Cilantro: No, It’s Not the Same!
Culantro (Eryngium foetidum L.,Apiaceae) is both a cooking and medicinal herb well known in the Caribbean, West Indies and the Far East, not to be confused with cilantro. Some of its common names are spiny coriander, shado beni and bhandhania (Trinidad and Tobago), chadron benee (Dominca), Coulante (Haiti), recao (Puerto Rico) and Fitweed (Guyana).
Pawpaw (Asimina Triloba) – Edible Fruit with Medicinal Properties
by Francisco G. Gómez The first mention of pawpaw came about in the 16th century from a Portuguese officer who was part of Hernando Cortez’s expedition to the New […]
D.I.Y. Fridays – Making Herbal Tinctures
by Nicole Wines Tinctures are an easy way to make a powerful medicine from the herbs grown in your garden or those found throughout your yard or the wild. Tinctures, […]
What Is the Matrix and How Does It Affect our Health?
by Francisco G. Gómez To answer that question would take volumes. It would require a vast amount of information on so many areas of human existence, so I will focus […]
Is Healing Mind over Matter?
Everything begins and ends with belief…
Numen – The Healing Power of Plants
by Francisco G.Gómez Syllabification: (nu·men) Pronunciation: /ˈn(y)o͞omən/ noun (plural numina /-mənə/) the spirit or divine power presiding over a thing or place. Origin: early 17th century: from Latin Above is […]
Eco-Living in a Plentiful Way: Plenitud Eco-Educational Initiatives
by Francisco G. Gómez I was up by 6:30 am as the vibrant sunshine from an incredibly beautiful blue sky was peeping in through the curtains. As I rolled back […]
Visualizing the Possibilities
by Francisco G. Gómez It seems to be human nature to see ourselves in light of how others see us; what a hindrance this is for our personal progress and […]
Malanga…Que Bueno!
When speaking about food that is prepared in Caribbean culinary fashion, Malanga always comes to mind.