
Cultural and FOLKLORIC Arts

Classes: Introduction to Bomba Dance

About this Program


Winter Cycle: Mondays, 7-8pm, January 20-March 17, 2025


Raíces Cultural Center
20 River Rd., Highland Park, NJ

This class will be held indoors and is limited to the first 12 registered participants.

In case of serious weather conditions, class will be canceled and registered students will receive a text notification.

Bomba is community, a group celebration of freedom and expression! Beginners are welcome and invited!
This class is intended for adults and for parents with young adults 14 and over, with the requirement that a guardian must remain present at all times. Registration is limited to the first 12 participants per session, please sign up early!
Raíces reserves all rights of acceptance to the program through the registration process. 
What to Expect

During our class series we will: 

  • Explore the history and cultural significance of Bomba. 
  • Learn how to recognize and identify four basic Bomba rhythms: Sicá, Yubá, Güembé and Holandé
  • Learn how to execute the basic steps that are danced with each of these rhythms.
  • Introduce how to speak to the drums using the movements of your body in the form of Piquetes in an expression of free form dancing. 
  • Learn the use of Call and Response (Antiphony) in song to complement four strains of Bomba known as Sicá, Güembé, Yubá and Holandé

All are welcome, registration is required.

This page is for registration for Introduction to Bomba Dance classes only. If you would like to sign up for our other class offerings, please see the following links:

Introduction to Afro-Cuban Dance – Mondays, 8-9pm
Introduction to Salsa On2 – Wednesdays, 7-8pm

Register for Introduction to Bomba Dance

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*There is no class registration fee for this program. Donations in any amount are welcome and support Raíces Cultural Center's mission to preserve cultural roots through the arts, history and ecology.
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